IT salaries in Montreal Quebec

You are an IT professional working in Montreal and you want to know if your salary matches your talent? IT Jobs Montreal gives you an evaluation of IT salaries by job profile and level of experience.

.Net Developper

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 75000 $
  • Senior from 95000 $

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Android Developper

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 70000 $
  • Senior from 90000 $

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Back-End Developer

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 75000 $
  • Senior from 95000 $

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BI Developer

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 75000 $
  • Senior from 95000 $

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C# Developer

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 75000 $
  • Senior from 95000 $

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C/C++ Developper

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 70000 $
  • Senior from 90000 $

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Database Administrator

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 70000 $
  • Senior from 90000 $

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  • Junior, from 70000 $
  • Intermediate from 85000 $
  • Senior from 100000 $

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ERP Specialist

  • Junior, from 60000 $
  • Intermediate from 75000 $
  • Senior from 90000 $

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Front-End Developer

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 75000 $
  • Senior from 95000 $

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Full-Stack Developer

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 75000 $
  • Senior from 95000 $

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IOS Developer

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 70000 $
  • Senior from 90000 $

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IT Analyst

  • Junior, from 60000 $
  • Intermediate from 75000 $
  • Senior from 90000 $

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IT Architect

  • Junior, from 65000 $
  • Intermediate from 85000 $
  • Senior from 100000 $

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IT Manager

  • Junior, from 75000 $
  • Intermediate from 85000 $
  • Senior from 100000 $

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IT Project Manager

  • Junior, from 65000 $
  • Intermediate from 80000 $
  • Senior from 95000 $

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IT Security Specialist

  • Junior, from 65000 $
  • Intermediate from 80000 $
  • Senior from 100000 $

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IT Technician

  • Junior, from 45000 $
  • Intermediate from 55000 $
  • Senior from 65000 $

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Java Developer

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 75000 $
  • Senior from 95000 $

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JavaScript Developer

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 75000 $
  • Senior from 95000 $

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Linux / Unix Administrator

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 70000 $
  • Senior from 90000 $

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Network Administrator

  • Junior, from 50000 $
  • Intermediate from 65000 $
  • Senior from 85000 $

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PHP Developper

  • Junior, from 50000 $
  • Intermediate from 70000 $
  • Senior from 90000 $

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Python Developer

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 75000 $
  • Senior from 95000 $

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QA Analyst

  • Junior, from 50000 $
  • Intermediate from 65000 $
  • Senior from 80000 $

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SEO Specialist

  • Junior, from 45000 $
  • Intermediate from 55000 $
  • Senior from 65000 $

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Systems Integrator

  • Junior, from 55000 $
  • Intermediate from 65000 $
  • Senior from 80000 $

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Technical Writer

  • Junior, from 50000 $
  • Intermediate from 65000 $
  • Senior from 80000 $

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UI/UX Designer

  • Junior, from 50000 $
  • Intermediate from 65000 $
  • Senior from 80000 $

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VB.Net Developer

  • Junior, from 50000 $
  • Intermediate from 65000 $
  • Senior from 85000 $

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VoIP Specialist

  • Junior, from 60000 $
  • Intermediate from 70000 $
  • Senior from 90000 $

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Web Integrator

  • Junior, from 45000 $
  • Intermediate from 60000 $
  • Senior from 75000 $

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Windows Administrator

  • Junior, from 50000 $
  • Intermediate from 65000 $
  • Senior from 85000 $

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