Web Integrator

IT Jobs Montreal introduces you the IT profession Web Integrator. IT employers in the Greater Montreal are looking for Web Integrator people. If you have any kind of interest in this job, you will find information on how to become Web Integrator, and all the related job offers from employers referenced on IT Jobs Montreal.

Check out what is the salary range in Montreal for Web Integrator

Tasks description

The web integrator (or HTML Integrator) is responsible for translating the will of the graphics team in computer language. Its role is to compose the static layout of a website by adding all the graphic elements (text, image, video, sound) and taking into account the rigor of standards (eg W3C). To carry out its mission it uses HTML computer language (Hyper Text Mark-up Language). The integrator is responsible for the integration of web pages, consistency and design graphics in a second time.

Required skills

The required skills to evolve in this area is the control of CMS and code editors. In addition, it may also find useful tools for web (Photoshop, ImageReady, Dreamweaver, Flash). The integrator has programming languages basic knowledge (Lingo, JavaScript, ActionScript, PHP, CSS) .If The integrator has a good foundation in development (PHP, JavaScript), it can generally towards the craft of development Front.


To become a Web Integrator, it is recommended to follow a technical training in IT to obtain a college or university degree. It is also recommended to Web Integrators to update their knowledge through specific training and obtain relevant professional certifications.